



Discovery Jones's Fantastic Farming Adventure



Farming has never been easy – it includes lots of hard work and lots of science. Join four 4H kids from different soil and climate areas as they share their knowledge, then test your new ablilities with ‘Harvest Time‘, a farming computer simulation. Discovery Jones's Fantastic Farming Adventure is 2,000 square feet of exhibits and programming dealing with soil, weather and agriculture in Saskatchewan .




•  Programming includes the stage show, The Soil Show , and Discovery Jones's Farmer's Almanac , a 30 page teacher's guide filled with fun activities, experiments and explanations.

•  Exhibit includes Land Claim , an intro area with interactive monitors, Soil Alley , interactive soil exhibits, the Labeteria , a café style lab that puts instructors and students at the same level, the Saskferco Stage, a seven monitor interactive information centre with original cartoons, videos and and integrated stage area, tornado machine , lightning machine (telsa coil) and many other exhibits on crops, soil and weather.


Client & Sponsor : Saskatchewan Science Centre & various other sponsors

Designer: John Snell

Programming: Scott Sunderwald

Fabrication: Varied Fabricators


























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